Sunday 2 October 2011

Finding Myself, not Nemo

Imagine being 12 years of age and discovering that you weighed 60kilos while your classmates weighed in at 40-45kilos. Imagine being 14 and standing on scales in front of your gym class to have them snicker and laugh at the scale reading. 69kilos.

All my teenage I have struggled with weight. I tried to take the advice of "be happy for who you are". But in truth, being fat was not who I was. God created me in his image and i'm sure he's not fat, no, obese. I am now 26 years of age, have two beautiful children and I'm nearly twice the weight of my teens. What happened??

A year ago I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. For those who don't know, this causes increased weight gain, insulin resistance, unwanted hair everywhere and Acne. Exciting!!! NOT. The doctors informed me this could be why I was overweight as a teen. But still, having an answer to why you're fat doesn't fix the problem!

This is why I am writing a blog. To show people around the world that the mission for weight-loss IS possible! I want to encourage people who are struggling with self-image, weight-loss, health issues that if you believe in yourself you can do it.

My weight-loss journey started on 25th February 2011 when I ventured into the bathroom (dum dum dum.....) and stood on the scales. I tipped them at 109kilos. Did I cry?? Yes I did. Did it make something in my mind click?? Yes it did. I realized I was in the lowest of valleys. Opening up myself to Heart attack, Diabetes and the list goes on.

To date, I have lost 10kg. I have 30kg to get to my phase 1 goal. 40kg to get to my ultimate goal. Right now I'm on a mountain. Though just at the bottom. Step by step, day by day, I will climb a little higher :)

My motivation is my Husband and kids. My motivation is to boycott the junk food nation. My motivation is my mirror image.

Until next time......


  1. You should be so proud of yourself for having the strength to take control of your health and make a change for the better. Good on you! I am proud of you, and I know you can do it! Hopefully you will find having a blog outlet helpful too.

    And just to let you know, PCOS is more common than you think, you are not alone, it's one of those things that lurk below the surface, that many woman don't know about, that those who do don't like to mention. I was diagnosed with it when I was 14 and it has been an intermittent journey since then. Luckily my symptoms all but disappeared while under the influence of pregnancy and breastfeeding, but I can feel the familiar pangs creeping back again now that I haven't done either in 8 months. The hair. The skin. The pains. The few extra kgs that won't move despite my bet efforts. Eugh.

    Just keep swimming - you'll get there ;-) xxx

  2. Thank you for your encouragement! PCOS is something I've never heard of until recently and out of the woodwork are close friends who say "yeah, I have the too!". I still don't know much about it, apart from the fact I can suffer incredible weight gain if I'm not careful. I'm on the pill, but it's terrible! Headaches, spotting....everything! But on the plus side, my skin is great for the first time in forever! And wax strips have become my best friend.....a secret friend :)

    Thank you for sharing something so personal. That in itself makes me feel better knowing that i'm not alone! :)
